Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Nursing Process Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Nursing Process - Assignment Example The process rotates around five processes. The processes are cyclic, each step having an immense contribution to ultimate patient care and outcome. In the evaluation phase, the nurse gathers detailed subjective and objective information concerning the client. The five senses are put into consideration in the process of examination, and full physical examination done using the techniques of percussion, palpation, observation and auscultation.After data collection, the nurse comes up with a nursing diagnosis. The nurse does interpret the findings and make ideal, and relevant clinical judgments are pertaining to the client actual, potential or risk problems. The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association is fundamental in the provision of scientific directives. Next, the nurse performs a vital plan of care to achieve the desired goal (Kaufman, 2012). A nursing care plan comes hardy when it comes to the intervention purposes. The phase ensures the continuous care of the patient, follow -up, and holistic approach to patient care. During the planning phase, the nurse needs to consider the elements of initial care, ongoing and discharge plans. The fourth stage is the implementation phase. It does involve actual delivery to the patient. For this case, prioritization of the interventions has to be put in consideration, acting as a link between medical and nursing care. The evaluation stage acts as an appraisal step. Determination of whether the planned goals were met does occur.

Monday, October 28, 2019

America Should Lower the Drinking Age Essay Example for Free

America Should Lower the Drinking Age Essay The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 prohibits States from allowing people under the age of 21 from purchasing or publicly possessing alcoholic beverages (Alcohol Policy Information System). Supporters of having 21 as the minimum drinking age point out that between 1982 and 2001, there was a 60% decrease in fatal alcohol-related crashes for drivers ages 16-17 and a 55% decrease among drivers aged 18-20 (Elder and Shults 169). However, while the number of traffic fatalities may have declined, the higher drinking age has also been associated with other problems, including an increase in binge drinking resulting in the death of a growing number of college students (Roan F-1). Instead of focusing almost exclusively on minimum age drinking laws for the reduction of alcohol-related traffic fatalities, law makers should look at the larger picture regarding alcohol use among young adults. If eighteen-year-olds are mature enough to choose whether or not to enlist in the military, then they are mature enough to be expected to be responsible with alcohol. The national minimum drinking age should be lowered to 18. The goal of minimum age drinking laws is to reduce the number of alcohol-related fatalities. As Elder and Shults pointed out, there has been a significant reduction in alcohol-related traffic fatalities since minimum drinking ages were raised to 21. Correlation, however, is not necessarily the same as causation. Other factors may have also contributed to the reduction in fatalities. The effects of improved drivers education, an increased public awareness of the effects of alcohol on driving, and stiffer penalties for all driving under the influence must also be considered. Elder and Shults also noted that among drivers age 21-24, there was a 41% decrease in alcohol-related traffic fatalities during this same period and that drivers over the age of 25 had a 39% decrease. Because these older drivers were not affected by the minimum age law, these reductions in traffic fatalities can only be attributed to education and law enforcement. Rather than promoting the responsible use of alcohol, minimum age laws actually have the opposite effect. Before drinking laws were put into place, the drinking behaviors of adolescents and young adults were controlled by family traditions, community expectations, peer groups, and self-restraint (Ford). While this system did not eliminate the problems of alcoholism and other alcohol-related complications, it did present alcohol as a normal part of the young adults environment. Minimum age drinking laws have attempted to remove alcohol from this environment. As a result, students are more likely to abuse alcohol when it is available. There has been a dramatic increase in binge drinking among college students (Courtney and Polich, 142). Concern for this problem led more than 100 college and university presidents to call for a new debate on lowering the drinking age (Roan). Finally, unenforceable minimum age laws undermine the credibility of law enforcement. The inability of young adults to purchase obtain alcohol legally means that students and other young adults who drink must resort to illegal activities in order to obtain alcohol. Yet despite these legal barriers, many students obtain alcohol with no legal consequences. As a result of this policy, students learn that laws can be circumvented and that law enforcement can be rather selective in choosing which laws will be enforced and which violations will be overlooked. Over time, students may apply this same belief to drug laws, driving laws, and other laws that they believe are not likely to be enforced. Enforcement of the law also places a burden on law enforcement agencies and prevents police from pursuing other illegal activities that are potentially more harmful to the community. Conclusion The National Minimum Age Drinking Act was signed into law in 1984. In many ways, the law reflects Americas political lurch to the right that occurred during the 1980s under President Ronald Reagan, the Moral Majority, and other socially conservative elements that were in power at the time. These groups knew that there were limits to their ability to legislate morality. Prohibition during the 1920s proved that outlawing alcohol would not work. They were, however, successful in passing the minimum age drinking law, a form of prohibition that was limited to people under 21. Minimum age drinking laws are an example of what happens when lawmakers try to legislate morality. By virtually any measure, the current minimum age laws are no more effective than Prohibition was during the 1920s. These laws, like the 18th Amendment, should be repealed. A better solution for Americas alcohol problem would be to educate young people about the responsible use of alcohol, including the potential risks that are associated with this drug and the penalties that people face when they abuse alcohol. This type of knowledge does not magically appear when someone turns 21, but is the result of a culture that gradually prepares the individual to accept the responsibilities of adulthood. Lowering the drinking age to 18, for example, would allow colleges to serve alcohol at official events where student drinking could be monitored and problems could be addressed before they result in a medical emergency. Eighteen-year-olds are old enough to vote, to marry, to enlist in the military, and to sign a legally binding contract. If they are old enough for those adult responsibilities, then they are old enough to decide whether or not they want to drink. Works Cited Alcohol Policy Information System. The 1984 National Minimum Drinking Age Act. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. Online. Undated. 15 March 2009. http://alcoholpolicy. niaaa. nih. gov/index. asp? SEC=%7B9937ACFC-DB3A-4159-B068-A302CEEE0EDF%7DType=B_BASIC Courtney, Kelly, John Polich. Binge Drinking in Young Adults: Data, Definitions, and Determinants. Psychological Bulletin 135. 1 (2009): 142-156. Elder, RW and RA Shults. Involvement by Young Drivers in Fatal Alcohol-Related Motor-Vehicle Crashes – United States, 1982-2001. JAMA 23. 2(2003):169-170. 8 January 2003. 15 March 2009 http://jama. ama-assn. org/cgi/reprint/289/2/169 Ford, Gene. Why We Should Lower the Drinking Age to 19. Alcohol: Problems and Solutions. Sociology Department, State University of New York, Potsdam, NY. 2007. 15 March 2009. http://www2. potsdam. edu/hansondj/YouthIssues/1046348192. html Roan, Shari. A Lower Legal Drinking Age? Health Experts, College Presidents Debate. LA Times. 1 September 2008. 15 March 2009 http://articles. latimes. com/2008/sep/01/health/he-drinking1? s=gn=nm=Broadrd=www. google. comtnid=1sessid=d49a16c9fafce18046e3bd9ba60cef8d9fdf7a4fpgtp=articleeagi=page_type=articleexci=2008_09_01_health_he-drinking1pg=1

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Role of Food in Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet in the Western Front and Elie Wiesel’s Night :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

The Role of Food in Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet in the Western Front and Elie Wiesel’s Night Food means different things to people in different countries of the world; pasta is common in Italy, hamburgers are a favorite in the US and tacos are a typical dish in Mexico. Human existence solely depends on this source of energy. A person’s fundamental need for food makes it a very important item, placing the people who control the food in a very high esteem. Consistency is also important in the delicate balance of life. Erich Maria Remarque, author of All Quiet in the Western Front, and Elie Wiesel, author of Night, both use food in their novels to convey this idea. Many of their thoughts and â€Å"meanings† concerning food paralleled one another. Food, one of the quintessential elements of life, plays a significant role in wartime experiences around the world and even in different time periods. Food is essential to basic life. It provides people with the energy to think, speak, walk, talk, and breathe. In preparation for the Jews deportation from the ghettos of Transylvania, â€Å"the (Jewish) women were busy cooking eggs, roasting meat, and baking cakes†(Wiesel, 13). The Jewish families realized how crucial food was to their lives even before they were faced with the daily condition of famine and death in the concentration camps. The need for food was increased dramatically with the introduction of the famine-like conditions of the camps. Wiesel admitted that, although he was incredibly hungry, he had refused to eat the plate of thick soup they served to the prisoners on the first day of camp because of his nature of being a â€Å"spoiled child†. But his attitude changed rapidly as he began to realize that his life span was going to be cut short if he continued to refuse to eat the food they served him. â€Å"By the third day, I (Elie Wiesel) was eating any kind of soup hungrily† (Wiesel, 40). His desire to live superseded his social characteristic of being â€Å"pampered†. Remarque also uses his characters to show to how a balanced diet promotes a person’s good health. Paul Bà ¤umer uses food to encourage Franz Kemmerich, his sick friend, â€Å"eat decently and you’ll soon be well again†¦Eating is the main thing† (Remarque, 30). Paul Bà ¤umer feels that good food can heal all afflictions. The bread supply of the soldiers in All Quiet on the Western Front was severely threatened when the rats became more and more numerous.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mock Exam, English by Norwegian Student.

Mock Exam 1stc 7th of December 2012 By Gard Detlev Oksendal Task 1 1B 1. The three most important differences between the writing styles in the two texts (Appendices 2 and 4) Difference one: The biggest difference between Appendix 2 and 4 is the fact that Appendix 2 is a short novel, which we don’t know if it’s true or not compared to Appendix 4 who is an informative text with clear fact and reasoning. App 2 is taken from the book â€Å"the house on mango street†, which clearly is a novel in contrast to App 4 which is an article from Newsweek, 2011. Difference two: App 2 is written in short sentences with many stops.The text is actually written a bit mysterious way. App 4 on the other hand is a coherent text, where the message of the text is clear. Difference three: In App 4 they use real – life stories to underline their facts. In contrast, App 2 is written out of Sandra Cisneros free fantasy and thoughts. Maybe this story is based on some kind of truth, but it doesn’t say anything about it. 2. The advantages as well as the disadvantages of moving abroad, seen from a young person’s point of view. Here are some of my arguments whether I think it is a good choice or not to move abroad as a young person.As far as I can think, there are much more advantages by moving abroad as a young person, rather than not moving. I have made two lists, one with advantages the other one with disadvantages: Advantages * You learn to know other cultures, which can be really positive. Not just for the knowledge, but also the fact that you as a human really can grow by knowing and accepting foreign cultures. * Of course it depends on the place you go, but let`s say for example that you are an American, who is considering moving to Asia, there are many good reasons to do so: * Asia is the up and coming in the world these days.If you are able to communicate with them in their native language, they often go in with more will in for example a ne gotiation, or simply just a small talk, getting to know the cute girl you saw at the club last night. Another language you might want to learn is German. Germans are some of the most organized and economic people in the world. If you know their native language, most people will meet you with open arms. * When I read through Appendix 4 in the booklet you handed out, I held on to one sentence which describes the situation in the world today in a very good way.Let me quote Jim Rodgers from the text â€Å"How to Raise a Global Kid† by Lisa Miller: â€Å"The money is in the East, the Debtors are in the West. I`d rather be with the creditors than the debtors. † * Even tough, English is becoming bigger and bigger as a second-language despite the big debt problems they have in the US. 200 million Chinese Schoolchildren are studying English, and in South Korea many parents lost their temper recently. The reasoning behind was that they wanted their kids to learn English at first grade, rather than in second as they practice today. Yes, English is really important as a world language up to this date, despite the fact that Asia is growing bigger and bigger, US drowning in their enormous debt that only increases with millions each minute you read this text. So your English will definitely help you when moving abroad. * Asia is just an advice to where you could move, but there are many different places you can go. So my advice to the youth out there who is considering moving abroad: Go for it! Disadvantages: * One of the disadvantages by moving abroad as young is the fact that you don’t get as much safety as you would get growing up in your own country.On some children, this can make a huge impact and even damage to them later in life. * Other cultures may get a bit too exotic, crazy and alien in some ways. You can get shocked; some are able handle it and even learn from it, some people are definitely not. So if you are a bit weak, a bit afraid of the u nknown and other cultures, maybe you should consider it two times before moving abroad. * If you come to another country and don’t know the language, it can be a huge problem. You can’t assimilate and feel as comfortable as in your home country.You don’t get included in the community and you can feel a bit alone at school etc. * Another concern is the money. If your trip goes wrong, something happens, you may be loose a year of school and lots of money. Is it worth taking the risk? * Earlier today, I saw an example of how difficult it could be coming to another country, another culture. The movie â€Å"Bend it like Beckham† by Gruinder Chadha impart this in a beautiful and touching way. And for any of you who haven’t seen it, I’d like to recommend it strongly. Task 2 2BThere are two main historical reasons of why English is the most wide – spoken language today. The first reason is the power of the US – not only in terms of war and economics, but also technology, movies, the internet and science. The other reason is the time where Queen Elisabeth 1st (1558 – 1603) and her England conquered the world. She established a global colonial empire, and introduced English as a world language. English is today the language which by far is the most used as a lingua franca. In more than 60 countries English is the official second language, but that is not the whole truth.The world today is very much based on the internet, and more than 80% of the information stored on computers around the world is in English. Despite the fact that 350 million people use English as their first language today, it is by far not the most spoken first language. However, English today is the most important language in the world because of the simple fact that almost â€Å"everyone† knows a few worlds in English. I can’t stress it enough; English is by far the most important language today. Mandarin is really catching up, but English is still dominant. Mandarin is almost explicit used in China, and not so much as a lingua franca.The biggest factor of why English is as dominant as it is must be the internet. The internet is very much based on English. And the world is based on the internet. I addition to this, it is also used in many other important arenas. My task today is to present to you some of these arenas. * When it comes to business and matters of trade, the English language is really important. By studying English through a respected old school like Cambridge or Oxford, you can expect to be able to easily handle emails, memos, contracts, agreements and other resembling themes.The matter of fact is that when you have an education In English, you are more likely to easy pursue a to a business career. * Probably the greatest advantage of studying English would be in job matters. People who can speak English fluently, In addition to speak their native language are extremely attracted by compa nies of many types, especially the international ones. Courses with at least some quality in it, offer their students the opportunity to improve job prospects, the opportunity to communicate with others as well as the access to information all around the world. Another arena where English can be very useful is when movies or TV-shows. Most of the films made today are made in English, at least the ones from Hollywood. Understanding the plot will be much easier when knowing English. Subtitles in Norwegian or other languages can sometimes cause the meanings of words to be lost in the translation, and they can be a distraction to the action taking place on the screen. In addition to this, movies in other languages are often subtitled by English. * The fourth arena where English very much can be useful is when traveling.Most workers in the tourist line of business know at least a couple words English. From that platform it is much easier to communicate with other people when travelling. * Concerning the education arena, English is not only useful, it is almost necessary to know at bit English. According to the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, there are more than 800 courses taught in English, just at the University of Oslo. There are lots of books in Norwegian. However, in college or university many of the books you have to read are written in English.According to the book â€Å"Gateways† by Eva Ulven and Audun Raugset two thirds of the world scientific findings are published in English. * The last thing I want to mention is that many manuals are written in English. Let`s say that you have bought a new TV for 30  000 dollars from America, and you don’t understand the manual, it will take a lot more effort and time to get your TV working. The world today is very much based around the mass – media, and most of the mass – media is written, spoken or sung in English. Yes, I repeat; sung. One of the main factors influencing us is the music.American rappers dominate the hit- lists today, and if anyone is even close to their dominance it must be the Englishmen. They aren’t just on the hit lists in their own country, but also in foreign countries like Norway. Another factor is that the community of YouTube and the social media such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are very much based on – and ruled by the English language and culture. Parallel to the growth of the internet, the power and importance of English is increasing every minute. In my eyes, Norway is one of the countries who are the most influenced by the American culture.We have taken lots of different American traditions, and made them ours. For example Halloween and Valentine’s Day are American traditions we are practicing here in Norway. I my opinion, that is really sad. Before kids used to go â€Å"julebukk†, but now a days people just don’t do â€Å"Julebukk† anymore – just because Hallowee n and other American traditions have taken over. American music is also really big in Norway, and artists like Eminem, Wiz Khalifa and Rihanna is what most of the Norwegian youth enjoy listening to. Gaming and internet is big part of our Norwegian community, and both are very much based on English.The two most played videogames in Norway, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and FIFA 13 are both on English, and have to say that I have learned much English from it myself. In Norway, people watch TV-series a lot, and most of them are in English. Most of them with Norwegian subtitles, but again the fact that they even showcase American series show us how important English is in Norway. So my conclusion based on what I have written, thought and read goes like this: English today is by far the most important language in the world, concerning business, travelling, education, culture and much, much more.However, languages like Mandarin and Indian is starting to catch up, just because of the simple ma tter of fact that the Chinese and Indian are increasing rapidly when speaking of population.. On the other hand, English is still increasing, just because of the western pop-culture. All the things I have mentioned – all the things we base our international community are based – and ruled by English. English is the dominant language in the world today, and I think it will be continuing as consistent as it is today at the top for many, many years in the future.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Colleges and graduate schools

Gaining admission to colleges and graduate schools has become far more difficult, as the competition has increased dramatically over the past few years. Even perfect SAT, GRE, and other standardized test scores are no longer enough grant you the edge you need to be sure of acceptance.The admission essay service we provide is your surest way of getting noticed by the admissions committees at even the most prestigious schools. Our writers are highly experienced and have succeeded in giving the winning edge to hundreds of persons accepted into Ivy League institutions. We will craft your essay to your best advantage, guaranteed.Scholarship EssayWinning a scholarship out of a pool of the best applicants in any given year means your scholarship essay must be of stellar quality. Our highly trained and creative writers are perfectly attuned to the spoken and unspoken requirements of scholarship boards in all disciplines.In fact, many of our writers have themselves sat on scholarship boards a nd know what it takes to get you the coveted prize. We will maximize the effect of your accomplishments, taking care to correlate them with the board’s requirements so that you’ll definitely be seen as the most outstanding candidate.Personal StatementMany of the personal statements currently being drafted by applicants leave admissions committees bored with their unimaginative content. Our service bypasses those banal and formulaic methods by infusing your statement with rich variety and bold creativity.While we accurately portray your academic and extra-curricular activities, we also dig deeper to the major implications of these facts, in order to maximize the effect of your accomplishments. With our help, your statement will be at once profound, interesting and demonstrative of the great intellectual and creative capacity that will win the attention of the toughest admissions board.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Conjugate the Verb Volere in Italian

How to Conjugate the Verb Volere in Italian â€Å"Volere† is one of those verbs you’re going to use all the time in Italian, so it’s best if you’re intimate with all of the conjugations. What’s more, it’s an irregular verb, so it doesn’t follow the typical -ere verb ending pattern. Below you’ll find all of its conjugation tables as well as examples so you can become more familiar with how to use it in everyday conversation. Some Definitions of â€Å"Volere† To wantTo wishTo expectTo needTo requireTo allow What to Know About Volere It’s a transitive verb, so it takes a direct object.When it’s used as a modal verb, it usually takes the auxiliary verb required by the verb it is paired with.The infinito is â€Å"volere†.The participio passato is â€Å"voluto†.The gerund form is â€Å"volendo†.The past gerund form is â€Å"avendo voluto†. Indicativo/Indicative Il presente io voglio noi vogliamo tu vuoi voi volete lui, lei, Lei vuole loro, Loro vogliono Esempi: Vuoi un caffà ¨? - Do you want a coffee?Voglio imparare l’Italiano. - I want to learn Italian. io ho voluto noi abbiamo voluto tu hai voluto voi avete voluto lui, lei, Lei, ha voluto loro, Loro hanno voluto Esempi: Per anni lei ha voluto visitare Italia. - For years she wanted to visit Italy. io volevo noi volevamo tu volevi voi volevate lui, lei, Lei voleva loro, Loro volevano Esempi: Che volevo dire? - What was I saying?Da bambina volevi fare l’attrice, era il tuo sogno nel cassetto, ricordi? - From when you were a little girl, you wanted to be an actress, it was your dream, do you remember? io avevo voluto noi avevamo voluto tu avevi voluto voi avevate voluto lui, lei, Lei aveva voluto loro, Loro avevano voluto Esempi: Diventare un insegnante à ¨ quello che avevo sempre voluto. - To become a teacher is all I ever wanted.Quindi ci siamo incontrati a Roma, la citt in cui avevamo sempre voluto andare insieme. - So we met up in Rome, the city we always wanted to go to together. io volli noi volemmo tu volesti voi voleste lui, lei, Lei volle loro, Loro vollero Esempi: John Lennon non volle continuare a suonare nel gruppo Il Beatles. - John Lennon didn’t want to keep playing in The Beatles.Nel 1564 ci vollero 35 giorni per arrivare in un’altra citt. - In 1564, it took thirty-five days to arrive in another city. io ebbi voluto noi avemmo voluto tu avesti voluto voi aveste voluto lui, lei, Lei ebbe voluto loro, Loro ebbero voluto Esempi: Solo dopo che l’imperatore romano comprà ² un cavallo, ebbe voluto imparare a cavalcare. - Only after the Roman emperor bought a horse, he wanted to learn how to ride it.Si alzarono da tavola non appena ebbero voluto. - They left the table as soon as they wanted. Tip This tense is rarely used, so don’t worry too much about mastering it. You’ll find it in very sophisticated writing. io vorrà ² noi vorremo tu vorrai voi vorrete lui, lei, Lei vorr loro, Loro vorranno Esempi: Andremo in Italia fra un mese, e sono sicura che vorremo andare al mare. - We will be going to Italy in a month, and I’m sure that we will want to go to the sea.Credimi, non vorranno imparare il tedesco. - Trust me, they will not want to learn German. io avrà ² voluto noi avremo voluto tu avrai voluto voi avrete voluto lui, lei, Lei avr voluto loro, Loro avranno voluto Esempi: Quando sar sposata far tutto quello che avr sempre voluto - When shes married, she’ll do all that she has ever wanted to do.Non appena avrai voluto finire i compiti, mangerai il gelato. - As soon as you’ll be wanting to finish your homework, you’ll eat the ice cream. Congiuntivo/Subjunctivo che io voglia che noi vogliamo che tu voglia che voi vogliate che lui, lei, Lei voglia che loro, Loro vogliano Esempi: Non penso che Marco voglia di mangiare la pasta anche stasera. - I don’t think Marco wants to eat pasta again tonight.Speri che lei voglia di sposarti? - Are you hoping that she wants to marry you? io abbia voluto noi abbiamo voluto tu abbia voluto voi abbiate voluto lui, lei, Lei abbia voluto loro, Loro abbiano voluto Esempi: Credo che lui abbia voluto scegliere il ristorante dove andremo stasera. - I believe he wanted to choose the restaurant where we’re going to have dinner tonight.Non capisce perchà © abbiamo voluto imparare l’italiano finchà © non à ¨ andato in Italia. - He didn’t understand why we wanted to learn Italian until he went to Italy. io volessi noi volessimo tu volessi voi voleste lui, lei, Lei volesse loro, Loro volessero Esempi: Non pensavo che lui volesse imparare il romanesco, à ¨ cosà ¬ difficile! - I didn’t know that he wanted to learn the Roman dialect, it’s so difficult!Non sapevamo che volessero fare una gita turistica, dunque avevamo altri progetti. - We didn’t know that they wanted to do a tour, so we had other plans. io avessi voluto noi avessimo voluto tu avessi voluto voi aveste voluto lui, lei, Lei avesse voluto loro, Loro avessero voluto Esempi: Sei lei avesse voluto andare in Italia, avrebbe imparato l’Italiano. - If she wanted to go to Italy, she would have learned Italian.Se avessero voluto parlare con noi, ci avrebbero chiamato. - If they wanted to talk to us, they would have called us. Condizional/Conditional io vorrei noi vorremmo tu vorresti voi vorreste lui, lei, Lei vorreste loro, Loro vorrebbero Esempi: Vorrei un cappuccino, per favore. - I would like a cappuccino, please.Ti vorremmo fare da guida. - We would like to show you around. io avrei voluto noi avremmo voluto tu avresti voluto voi avreste voluto lui, lei, Lei avreste voluto loro, Loro avrebbero voluto Avrei voluto poterci andare /(essere). - I would have liked to have been there.Mia madre avrebbe voluto che io imparassi l’Italiano. - My mother would have wanted me to learn Italian. Imperativo/Imperative vogliamo vuoi vogliate voglia vogliano

Monday, October 21, 2019

Social Cultural Or Environmental Impact Caused By Tourism Tourism Essay Essays

Social Cultural Or Environmental Impact Caused By Tourism Tourism Essay Essays Social Cultural Or Environmental Impact Caused By Tourism Tourism Essay Essay Social Cultural Or Environmental Impact Caused By Tourism Tourism Essay Essay Introduction Having developed some of the universe s most unthinkable attractive forces, like a ski resort amidst a desert and an archipelago resembling the map of the Earth, Dubai, a metropolis in the United Arab Emirates, has emerged as a alone touristry finish in the past two decennaries ( Henderson, 2006 ) . Dubai is a coastal metropolis, which offers sand, sea, and Sun, with conservative Islamic and Arab traditions. Even though the rapid rise in the touristry sector has led to rapid growing of the economic system, this growing is paired with assorted environmental every bit good as societal and cultural impacts. The undermentioned essay discusses these impacts and what the ground behind these impacts is. Subsequently, the impression of sustainable touristry is discussed and how Dubai can keep sustainability of touristry every bit good as societal, cultural, and environmental values. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS A major factor in Dubai s touristry growing has been the development of its major air hose, Emirates. Emirates is listed amongst the universe s most epicurean air hoses ( Verdonck, 2007 ) . All flights are via Dubai, which means one traveling by Emirates must halt in Dubai foremost. Every unit of currency spent in Dubai benefits its economic system. Although good to the economic system and touristry industry, air travel is a prima factor of air pollution. Dubai, since the mid 1990 s, has been practising rapid touristry focused development ( Rockwell, 2006 ) . This is non merely the building of hotels, but besides of state-of-the art promenades and edifices, all of which are meant to pull tourers and international investing. The building in Dubai additions by 34 % per annum ( Heyer, 2008 ) , and is utilizing a 3rd of the universe s Cranes to construct 100s of skyscrapers ( Clarke, 2004 ) , most of which can be attributed to the metropolis s willingness to increase touristry. Construction once more has inauspicious environmental impacts. A batch of this building for illustration that of the thenar shaped island called The Palm Jumeirah requires a method of dredging and re-depositing where stones are collected from the underside of the sea and deposited where wanted. This unluckily has lead to the one time crystal clear Waterss to be filled with silt. Resultantly, given the suicidal nature of touristry, plunging partisans have started looking for other countries with greater visibleness in H2O ( Butler, 2005 ) . The above mentioned method of building has besides destroyed marine life. For illustration, the Arabian Gulf s 2nd most bio-diverse Marine system was handed over to the building company Nakheel to construct another thenar shaped island on. Consequently because of such Acts of the Apostless, the coral reefs and sea grass have been buried and killed under stone sedimentations. The oyster beds are known to hold been buried two inches deep. Construction companies mention that they will construct unreal constructions under H2O, but ecologists argue that these new unreal constructions will non back up the original native species of the country, but they may pull foreign, destructive species ( Butler, 2005 ) . The touristry lead building in the sea has lead to many breaks in the moving ridge currents. The beaches of Dubai have therefore started to gnaw off. Tourism, even though indirectly, has started to bit by bit decrease one of the grounds that it exists ( Butler, 2005 ) . Other illustrations of touristry attractive forces in Dubai include a Tiger Wood s golf class, which imported 30,000 mature trees, an 820 square meter refrigerated swimming pool and an unnaturally chilled beach to maintain the sand cool ( Hickman, 2008 ) . Not to advert, Dubai, as mentioned by the United Nations, is the universe s most water-imperilled country. Enormous degrees of Energy and desalinated H2O, which finally requires even more energy, have to be used to keep such attractive forces. All of Dubai s edifices, such as hotels and shopping promenades, are air-conditioned which means that more electricity is needed and the emanation of nursery gases exceeds that of the universe norm greatly. Dubai s emanation of nursery gases is 33.6 metric dozenss per capita, whereas the universe norm is at merely 3.7 metric dozenss per capita ( Saadeh, 2007 ) . This non merely negatively affects Dubai itself, but besides affects the remainder of the universe. A hotel in Dubai produces appr oximately dual the C emanations as compared to a European hotel ( eTurboNews, 2009 ) . Many conservationists worldwide can perchance reason why the other states of the universe must endure because of what is go oning in Dubai. In a United Nations clime talk, UAE s curate for Environment and Water spoke of atomic power to desalt the H2O which would hold even worse affects on the environment ( Hickman, 2008 ) . Therefore one can easy construe that Dubai s touristry does non merely have negative impacts on its ain environment but perchance that of the universe. SOCIO-CULTURAL IMPACTS Tourism s impacts in Dubai are non restricted to the environment. The occupants, merely of which a really little figure are local citizens, have besides had to travel through some major alterations in a really short period of clip. As mentioned earlier, Dubai has one the most successful air hoses in the universe, and the Dubai Airport is obviously rather busy. The airdrome is located in the chief metropolis as seen from the map below: Beginning: Google Maps The airdrome operates 24 hours and therefore it is easy assumable that the noise pollution is at high degree. This affects all the occupants in the environing countries. There is a major clang between western civilization and the Islamic civilization that prevails in Dubai and its milieus. To a westerner the thought of traveling to a beach to the full clothed may look rather unpointed and hence tourers wear swimming garb at beaches. Dubai has faced some major jobs in this respect. The mean labour working category of Dubai is largely of work forces from the Indian subcontinent where it is rather uncommon to see adult females on beaches have oning Bikini. For the above mentioned grounds, work forces of the working category had started to garner at beaches to gaze at adult females and snap them. There would be occasional cases when they would forcefully experience adult females in H2O. The Dubai constabularies have about arrested 500 work forces because of this ( Fattah, 2006 ) . Dubai s western positions are non usually accepted by the conservativists of the metropolis. Regardless of that, the swayers have made a move frontward. Dubai has tried to suit western civilization which in the long-run could perchance stop in the loss of Dubai s ain civilization. In the past few old ages, tardily dark parties every bit good as alcoholic drinks have become really popular and common, something which is non appreciated in the Arab civilization. Dubai has legion different sorts of cabarets and bars to offer to its tourer population ( Expat Forum, 2009 ) , which could perchance alter Dubai s ain population, and would be most influential on the young person. A New Year s Eve party held on The Palm island had to a great extent intoxicated people dancing on the beaches in the nude ( ) . Possibly one can state that the people of Dubai have already started to lose their cultural, spiritual, and societal duties as a direct consequence of touristry. Sexual activity touristry has besides vastly affected Dubai. The Dubai Information Site docudrama clearly shows with a concealed camera that harlotry is merely illegal on paper and is literally supervised by jurisprudence implementing governments and besides suggests that the authorities and secret bureaus know all about it ( ) . One possible ground thinkable is that Dubai really wants to pull sex tourers so that money keeps pouring into the economic system, but this theory is non evidenced. In some cases Dubai has been compared with Morocco and the Philippines at sex touristry degree ( ) . Streets of Dubai are filled with easy identifiable cocottes, possibly most of these adult females are at that place to pull local clients but many besides end up pulling tourers. The more expensive cocottes work at 5 star hotels where evidently tourists besides stay, doing the being of sex touristry even more solid and credible. In an i nterview with a cocotte, she said Most of my clients are Australian, Canadian, and local work forces ( Robson, 2009 ) . An tremendous addition in harlotry, particularly when a big figure are tourers are the clients, puts occupants of Dubai at hazard of sexually transmitted diseases such as Syphilis and HIV. What 1 must see is, is Dubai still a topographic point where 1 can raise kids with preexistent societal and cultural values? THE MAIN REASONS FOR NEGATIVE IMPACTS What has been the chief ground for all these socio-cultural and environmental alterations? As mentioned earlier, the authorities, or swayers, because Dubai is non a democracy, want to assist the economic system by presenting tourers. Dubai took a political stance in the mid 1990 s that because the oil was traveling to acquire dog-tired they should exchange their focal point towards touristry. Investings in Dubai are largely international and most of the flats in the residential skyscrapers built were sold to really rich aliens. The prince of Monaco besides bought an island in the archipelago The World ( Clarke, 2006 ) . Therefore the second place phenomena is besides one which helps increase touristry in Dubai, and therefore touristry impacts on Dubai even more greatly, as tourers will see once more and once more. It was in this stance that Dubai s swayers besides decided to do many tourer attractive forces including the assorted hotels and bars. The Chief executive officer of Duba iland, the universe s largest subject park, is known to hold said that we want to do Dubai Venice of the Middle East with streamlined H2O canals ( Heyer, 2008 ) , which once more is inordinate usage of H2O in a part where H2O is a cherished resource. It was investings in such strategies that were followed by lay waste toing environmental impacts. Not merely is the running and maintaining of such attractive forces unhealthy for the environment, but it is besides the building which greatly affects it. The authorities of Dubai has been rather grim in the building of these attractive forces, so much that the already few conservationist groups and NGOs in Dubai had to be made soundless and were non allowed to interfere at all ( Hickman, 2008 ) . It would non hold been hard hushing these groups as Dubai is non a democracy system. NGOs and conservationists merely occupation is to educate school pupils about recycling ( Hickman, 2008 ) . The building company Nakheel, responsible for the building of the ill-famed Palm Islands, the land reclaimed The World and many other environmentally harmful undertakings is owned by the swayer of Dubai himself, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Makhtoum ( Clarke, 2006 ) . Therefore we can easy state that the ground for the impacts is possibly rigorous attachment to political and economic policy. Quite late, given the 2008 economic slack, Dubai has started confronting economic jobs every bit good. In the recession, there was a considerable bead in touristry in Dubai ( Walid, 2009 ) . Unfortunately, the whole intent for which Dubai had to endure through socio-cultural and environmental impacts may be excessively volatile. Any state should neer be excessively dependent on any one sector of the economic system, particularly a suicidal one like touristry. IS SUSTAINABLE TOURISM POSSIBLE? Sustainable touristry as defined by the United Nation World Tourism Organization ( UNWTO ) is Tourism that takes full history of its current and future economic, societal and environmental impacts, turn toing the demands of visitants, the industry, the environment and host communities. ( Bartlett, 2007 ) First, the inauspicious effects of touristry are lessened if the growing in tourer population is comparatively slow ( Cooper et Al, 2008 ) . This was non the instance for Dubai. Dubai has seen an tremendous growing in its touristry over the past 15 old ages. Therefore the impacts on the environment and the people have been greater than they could hold been. The occupants of Dubai did non hold much clip to turn accustomed to the ways of the tourers. Like London and New York, where occupants are already accustomed to an urban manner of life with the presence of tourers ( Cooper et Al, 2008 ) , Dubai s occupants are non. Dubai has already started to implement sustainable touristry ( Mustafa, 2007 ) . A recent enterprise by the earlier mentioned Nakheel is called Blue Communities ( ) . For illustration, at the Palm Island they have introduced a new air conditioning system which reduces energy use by 35 % . Such issues should non merely be addressed by one building company, but all building companies. Dubai s authorities is strong plenty to implement such Torahs that will minimise the harm to the environment. Some hotels in Dubai have besides started to take the environmental issues and hence their C emanations earnestly. They have taken stairss towards diminishing their environmental costs and recognize the fiscal benefits that could be received by traveling green ( eTurboNews, 2005 ) . Such enterprises can be really expensive to Dubai can utilize the illustration of Egypt, which has similar societal and cultural values and even possibly related environmental issues. When the Red Sea started to turn as a tourer finish, the authorities took a similar attack to that of Dubai s, based on building of hotels. Subsequently, they implemented direction programs and introduced a Sensitivity Map which rates resources in footings of their resiliency to the impacts of usage ( Bartlett, 2007 ) . Furthermore, Egyptian governments have started supplying inducements to be more sustainable ( Bartlett, 2007 ) . Dubai could take a similar attack. After a instance of two British subjects holding sexual intercourse on a household beach, governments have introduced some new guidelines for occupants and tourers likewise. Now, loud music, curse, caressing, have oning skirts of inappropriate length, and even keeping custodies and embracing in populace has been banned (, 2009 ) . Alternatively of being on the utmost terminal and censoring the activities mentioned above, which are quite common in the tourers ain states, Dubai can take a similar encourage, non deter attack ( Bartlett, 2007 ) . Dubai can advert the Arab and Muslim civilization in any booklets and advertizements of the finish ; otherwise, if tourers hear about such prohibitions and restriction, they might desire to see an alternate finish. The same encouraging attack as that of Egypt can be taken towards building companies, in which fiscal assets could be provided. Similarly, Emirates Airline could go on to buy the new A-380 aircrafts as they are more environmentally friendly. Research shows that 45 % British tourers are willing to pass more on holiday if environmental amendss can be reversed, 67 % Americans think it is of import that they do non damage the finishs they visit, and 69 % Danish tourers are willing to pay more for eco-labelled hotels ( Bartlett, 2007 ) . All three states above generate high Numberss of tourers. Thus authorities functionaries in Dubai can presume that if they want to fund in environmentally friendly activities, this will potentially pull more tourers. Dubai s authorities could perchance take another measure towards sustainability. Random occupants could be drafted, at their will, in big groups to be a portion of a panel, similar to a selling house s consumer panel, where they could be asked to notice on any new developments that have been thought of. This manner the normally held positions of the community will be known and because a random outlining system is used many members of the community will experience more of import and therefore less immune to alterations. The execution of such a system will be difficult and boring. It may besides rather dearly-won for the authorities. Eco-tourism can be practiced although in a really alone manner. Eco-tourism normally trades with of course beautiful countries, but could besides perchance affect the alone civilization and traditions of a part ( Bartlett, 2007 ) . Dubai can publicize the rich Arabic traditions that prevail in the part and demo how cultural and environmental values are in the metropolis s nucleus. Eco-tourism would be hard because of the ill-famed impacts on the local and planetary environment and the alterations that have already occurred in its occupants. Still, it is a really distant possibility in the long-run. If achieved, Dubai may be a possible eco-tourism finish which would ironically pull multitudes. To accomplish sustainable touristry, the differences between the occupants and tourers must be reduced ( Cooper et Al, 2008 ) . If Dubai s people were to alter and go like westerners, this would once more stop up in loss of individuality and alterations in civilization. Alternatively, skillfully designed plans for schools and likewise designed advertizements aimed at Dubai s grownup population could learn them about the positive effects of touristry and adaptability. On the other manus, advertizements aimed at tourers from different states could be made cognizant of Dubai s cultural and spiritual values. In the instance of Dubai specifically, there should be purposes made at cut downing harlotry to do the societal state of affairs better. By doing police governments more efficient and taking a stance to halt human trafficking at the airdrome, so no cocottes enter. For Dubai s touristry to turn sustainably a few of the mentioned methods must be used so that the involvements of the people, tourers, and environment are satisfied, all the while the touristry industry thrives and grows. Although this is hard as there is a clear tradeoff between certain factors, for illustration building of attractive forces leads to an addition in touristry but harms the environment. Therefore Dubai s touristry sector needs a skillfully devised program to pattern sustainable touristry. It besides needs the apprehension that environmental and societal systems are non two distinguishable theoretical simple systems, but are one complex existent system and that worlds are besides a portion of the environment. This system is hence ever germinating and altering with uncertainnesss and remains stable merely for a short period of clip ( Fyall et al, 2005 ) . As the system evolves, Dubai s programs of sustainable touristry will besides hold to alter, because the involvement s of all stakeholders are different at all times. Decision Dubai must affect and alter the behavior of all the stakeholders involved such as tourers, occupants, conservationists, and authorities functionaries. Merely so can sustainable touristry and development be achieved and the negative impacts of touristry reduced.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Franz Boas, Father of American Anthropology

Franz Boas, Father of American Anthropology German-American anthropologist Franz Boas was one of the most influential social scientists of the early twentieth century, noted for his commitment to cultural relativism and as a staunch opponent of racist ideologies. Boas was arguably the most innovative, active, and prodigiously productive of the first generation of anthropologists in the U.S. He is best known for his curatorial work at the American Museum of National History in New York and for his nearly four-decade career teaching anthropology at Columbia University, where he built the first anthropology program in the country and trained the first generation of anthropologists in the U.S.  His graduate students went on to establish many of the first and most highly regarded anthropology programs in the country. Fast Facts: Franz Boas Born: July 9, 1858 in Minden, GermanyDied: December 22, 1942 in New York City, New YorkKnown For: Considered the Father of American AnthropologyEducation: University of Heidelberg, University of Bonn, University of KielParents: Meier Boas and Sophie MeyerSpouse: Marie Krackowizer Boas (m. 1861-1929)Notable Publications: The Mind of Primitive Man (1911), Handbook of American Indian Languages (1911), Anthropology and Modern Life (1928), Race, Language, and Culture (1940)Interesting Facts: Boas was an outspoken opponent of racism, and used anthropology to refute the scientific racism that was popular during his time. His theory of cultural relativism held that all cultures were equal, but simply had to be understood in their own contexts and by their own terms. Early Life Boas was born in 1858 in Minden, in the German province of Westphalia. His family was Jewish but identified with liberal ideologies and encouraged independent thinking. From a young age, Boas was taught to value books and became interested in the natural sciences and culture. He followed his interests in his college and graduate studies, focusing primarily on the natural sciences and geography while attending the University of Heidelberg, the University of Bonn, and the University of Kiel, where he graduated with a Ph.D. in physics. Research In 1883, after a year of service in the military, Boas began field research in Inuit communities in Baffin Island, off the northern coast of Canada. This was the beginning of his shift toward studying people and culture, rather than the external or natural worlds, and would alter the course of his career. Spirit of the Earthquake, Nootka Mask, Pacific Norwest Coast American Indian. Possibly American Museum of Natural History. Acquisition Year: 1901. Heritage Images / Getty Images In 1886, he began the first of many fieldwork trips to the Pacific Northwest. Contrary to dominant views during that era, Boas came to believe- in part through his fieldwork- that all societies were fundamentally equal. He disputed the claim that fundamental differences existed between societies that were deemed civilized versus savage or primitive, according to the language of the time. For Boas, all human groups were fundamentally equal. They simply needed to be understood within their own cultural contexts. Boas worked closely with the cultural exhibits of the 1893 Worlds Columbian Exposition, or the Chicago Worlds Fair, which celebrated the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus arrival in the Americas. It was a huge undertaking and many of the materials gathered by his research teams went on to form the basis of the collection for the Chicago Field Museum, where Boas worked briefly following the Columbian Exposition. Eskimos At The Worlds Columbian Exposition, which Franz Boas helped create. Chicago History Museum / Getty Images Following his time in Chicago, Boas moved to New York, where he became assistant curator and later curator at the American Museum of Natural History. While there, Boas championed the practice of presenting cultural artifacts in their context, rather than attempting to arrange them according to imagined evolutionary progress. Boas was an early proponent of using dioramas, or replicas of scenes from daily life, in museum settings. He was a leading figure in the research, development, and launch of the Museums Northwest Coast Hall in 1890, which was one of the first museum exhibits on the life and culture of the indigenous people of North America. Boas continued to work at the Museum until 1905, when he turned his professional energies toward academia. Franz Boas was curator of the American Museum Of Natural History from 1896 to 1905. The New York Historical Society / Getty Images Work in Anthropology Boas became the first professor of anthropology at Columbia University in 1899, following three years as a lecturer in the field. He was instrumental in establishing the universitys anthropology department, which became the first Ph.D. program in the discipline in the U.S. Boas is often referred to as the Father of American Anthropology because, in his role at Columbia, he trained the first generation of U.S. scholars in the field. Famous anthropologists Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict were both his students, as was the writer Zora Neale Hurston. In addition, several of his graduate students went on to establish some of the first anthropology departments in universities across the country, including programs at the University of California at Berkeley, University of Chicago, Northwestern University, and beyond. The emergence of anthropology as an academic discipline in the U.S. connects closely to Boas work and, in particular, his lasting legacy through his former students. Boas was also a key figure in the founding and development of the American Anthropological Association, which remains the primary professional organization for anthropologists in the U.S. Chiefs Blanket with Bear Design, Totemism,Tlingit Tribe, Pacific Northwest Coast Indians. Totemism is a system of belief in which humans are said to have kinship or a mystical relationship with a spirit-being, such as an animal or plant. Heritage Images / Getty Images Main Theories and Ideas Boas is well known for his theory of cultural relativism, which held that all cultures were essentially equal but simply had to be understood in their own terms. Comparing two cultures was tantamount to comparing apples and oranges; they were fundamentally different and had to be approached as such. This marked a decisive break with the evolutionary thinking of the period, which attempted to organize cultures and cultural artifacts by an imagined level of progress. For Boas, no culture was more or less developed or advanced than any other. They were simply different. Along similar lines, Boas denounced the belief that different racial or ethnic groups were more advanced than others. He opposed scientific racism, a dominant school of thought at that time. Scientific racism held that race was a biological, rather than cultural, concept and that racial differences could thus be attributed to underlying biology. While such ideas have since been refuted, they were very popular in the early twentieth century. In terms of anthropology as a discipline, Boas supported what came to be known as the four-field approach. Anthropology, for him, constituted the holistic study of culture and experience, bringing together cultural anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and physical anthropology. Franz Boas died of a stroke in 1942 at the Columbia University campus. A collection of his essays, articles, and lectures, which he had personally selected, was published posthumously under the title Race and Democratic Society. The book took aim at race discrimination, which Boas considered the most intolerable of all forms. Sources: Elwert, Georg. Boas, Franz (1858-1942). International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015. Pierpont, Claudia Roth. The Measure of America. The New Yorker, March 8, 2004.Who Was Franz Boas? PBS Think Tank, 2001.White, Leslie A. Book Review: Race and Democratic Society. American Journal of Sociology, 1947.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Dimensions of interprofessional practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dimensions of interprofessional practice - Essay Example As well known, the role of the medical officer is to monitor, inform, mobilize, link, investigate among other responsibilities ( Freeth & Copperman 2009). Description The event involves the treatment of Mrs. Weber who is a 70 year old patient with multiple health disorders. She was admitted into the hospital due to her shin injury after a fall and it required immediate treatment. According to her medical history, she suffered from osteoarthritis and hypotension that became a fundamental cause of her repetitive falls resulting in shin injury and development of fear for mobilization. I called the social worker handling Mrs. Weber’s case and two specialists from the fall clinic, to help in her treatment since they were more conversant with her case in addition to her health care service provider. Feelings The adaptation of new rules governing patients-health officer relationship is a first step to interprofessional collaboration in the healthcare sector (Miers Barrett & Clarke 20 05). As would be expected of health care providers, the staff accorded the patient the best treatment and basic rules were observed. The rules stipulate that the nurse is in charge of coordinating the activities between the doctor and the patient, I felt that the rules housed the input of the nurses and support staff in regards to the whole inpatient registration and sign in process. Moreover, the organization had considered the role of junior officers, thus bring onboard a third group of specialist under my scrutiny for this essay. Subsequently, the necessary bond between working colleagues had been cemented to create space for harmony and teamwork in the performance of the daily activities (Gilbert 2005). Proper team work ensured that the nurse in charge consulted the specialists, and the social worker participated in the handling of the patient. I appreciated the contribution of the process due to the immediate care that Mrs. Weber got from the whole team. Evaluation According to my analysis it was evident that the relationship between the various key players, ensured that quality health care was given to Mrs. Weber’s. According to, an interprofessional relationship is a relationship between members of a team who have different professional education, identity and socialization ( McDonald & McCallin 2010). Moreover, in every organization, it is the responsibility of every member of the team to make sure that their contribution is valuable and helpful. Therefore, for interprofessional collaboration to be effective in healthcare organizations, players ought to work in harmony and an interact manner and this was the case in his organization (Meads Ashcroft Barr Scott & Wild 2008). For professionals to work efficiently without conflict, communication and willingness level should be realized. The communication process does not only involve the transfer of messages between people, but involves understanding and decoding of the information to come up with a conclusion. Hence, communication between different players improves the relationship amongst professionals (Scott Lewin Espin & Zwarenstein 2008). In reference to the case, if the communication path was inadequate, information would not have reached the different players consulted on Mrs. Weber’

Friday, October 18, 2019

Frederick Douglas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Frederick Douglas - Essay Example Largely, he did this through public speaking engagements and his writing. The first thing he published was the autobiographical Narrative of the Life of an American Slave in 1845. After which, he served as publisher of a newspaper, The North Star, before publishing his second novel, My Bondage and My Freedom, a decade later. While those works (which will be discussed later) were about his life, he later became a political activist in his pursuit to help people less advantaged than he. Surrounding the time that "Reconstruction" and "Appeal" were written, there was a lot of political activity, including the aforementioned Abolitionist Movement, which lasted from sometime in the 1830s, until about 1870. This movement should not be confused with the abolitionist movement started by feminists who wanted to end prostitution (arguing that prostitution was also a form of slavery). Instead, the Abolitionist Movement was fundamental in founding the Anti-Slave Society, which aimed at declaring that those enslaved should immediately become free. The Abolitionist Movement saw the end of slavery, but participants didn't consider its job complete. Once black people were free, they advocated for better education for them, so that men especially would get better jobs. If they could work, they'd be better able to support their families. The movement insisted on healthcare for freed slaves. It also offered assistance in helping family member locate other family members from whom they'd been separated during slavery. When the Fifteenth Amendment guaranteed African-American male suffrage, the Movement proper was over. In 1865, Congress had established the Freedman's Bureau. It helped with the tasks of education, healthcare, and jobs, and even the reunification of families. The Freedman's Bureau was especially helpful to refugees of the American Civil War. African-American women took up causes that affected black women at the time, and later, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was formed to aid all colored persons. All of this helped make Douglass the writer he became. When he wrote "Reconstruction," the Civil War had ended and the country was in a reconstructive state. The "Reconstruction" argument was that although the war had ended, there were still changes to be made. He wrote, "All that is necessary to be done is to make the government consistent with itself, and render the rights of the States compatible with the sacred rights of human nature" (para. 3). He was insisting that the government take a stand within each state, and remain consistent in supporting the rights of all people. He asked that citizens of the United States be able to move, interchangeably, throughout the states and have the same rights in each one. He finished his essay with the opinion that he was not the only person, nor were there only black people, who wanted equality for everyone. He wrote, "This great measure is sought as earnestly by loyal white men as by loyal blacks, and is needed alike by both. Let sound pol itical prescience but take the place of an unreasoning prejudice, and this will be done" (para. 10). In "An Appeal to Congress for Impartial Suffrage," Douglass' message was just as political, just as strong. His main focus was on the right to vote for African Americans. He asked Congress how they could have

Sports Club Entity Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sports Club Entity Model - Essay Example The various functionalities would include scalability of various operations, ease of performing updations and modifications of data, maintaining the integrity of data, security of data is ensured, efficient recovery manager, maintains concurrency control and plan for recovery techniques and many more. All this would promote the functioning of the airline reservation system. Choosing a database model is of greater importance. The relational data model is based on relational data structures, integrity constraints and smooth access to Data Definition Language and Data Manipulation Language statement for creation and retrieval of data. It is based on relational algebra (Navathe, 2004). The database for family budgeting system would include features like atomic values, primary and foreign key relationships, and normalization process to reduce redundancy and anomalies of insertion, modification and deletion errors, row and column structure of the database tables and all kind of relationshi ps are possible, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many. Â  Data warehousing is a concept that is used for storing organization’s data and is usually termed as corporate memory. It contains the raw material for an enterprise’s MIS or DSS system. The analyst can perform complex queries which would be used for getting results and further interpretation of the data and the resultant information (William, 2000). The subject-oriented feature of the data warehousing takes into account the various elements that take place in the real world. It is non-volatile and integrated with respect to the data that they are never deleted and contains all the information with regard to business processing by the enterprise for all its operations. Â  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Discussion 9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion 9 - Essay Example Scholars argue that although it is possible to learn about other cases through a similar case, it does not mean that cases studies are only used in making generalizations. On the contrary drawing inferences about a population from a case study is not justifiable (Creswell, 2003). Case studies are similar to other types of research and involve the identification of the problem, the collection of data and the analysis and reporting of results. As in other types of techniques, the approach and the analysis depends on the nature of the research problem. Case studies can be descriptive, interpretive or evaluative. The defining characteristics of a case study therefore are a deeper, intensive study of a single unit through detailed collection and analysis of many sources of information (Kumar, 2008:Babbie, 2010). In the first article titled â€Å"The impact of internet usage: A case study of delta state tertiary institutions† the objective of the study was to investigate and evaluate the impact of internet usage in institutions of higher learning in Delta State in Nigeria. The methodology used in this case is a case study that used questionnaires to solicit information from students and staff of four higher institutions of learning in Delta state in Nigeria. The questionnaires were randomly distributed to staff and students in four institutions of higher learning and later collected and analyzed (Ureigho, Oroke, & Ekruyota, 2006). It is possible to see a link between the research objective and the methodology taken as this study involved an in depth analysis of the impact of internet usage in institutions of higher learning. The most suitable approach to conduct this study was thus the case study methodology as it would lead to a lot of information about the problem in question. A focus group is an informal discussion among a group of selected individuals about a particular topic.

Torture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Torture - Essay Example It is as follows: †¦Ã¢â‚¬Ëœtorture’ means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. (UNCAT cited in IRCT). Such forms of torture as threats of murder, rape, kidnapping or even humiliating do no less harm to the psychological peace and stability of an individual as physical pain does. At times, there may be no physical harm at all to the victim in torture. â€Å"Psychological pain is suffering caused by psychological stress and by psychological traum a rather than stimuli that activate physical pain† (Mefor). A lot of debate has occurred in the past regarding the ban of torture because of its physiological vs psychological impacts.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Discussion 9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion 9 - Essay Example Scholars argue that although it is possible to learn about other cases through a similar case, it does not mean that cases studies are only used in making generalizations. On the contrary drawing inferences about a population from a case study is not justifiable (Creswell, 2003). Case studies are similar to other types of research and involve the identification of the problem, the collection of data and the analysis and reporting of results. As in other types of techniques, the approach and the analysis depends on the nature of the research problem. Case studies can be descriptive, interpretive or evaluative. The defining characteristics of a case study therefore are a deeper, intensive study of a single unit through detailed collection and analysis of many sources of information (Kumar, 2008:Babbie, 2010). In the first article titled â€Å"The impact of internet usage: A case study of delta state tertiary institutions† the objective of the study was to investigate and evaluate the impact of internet usage in institutions of higher learning in Delta State in Nigeria. The methodology used in this case is a case study that used questionnaires to solicit information from students and staff of four higher institutions of learning in Delta state in Nigeria. The questionnaires were randomly distributed to staff and students in four institutions of higher learning and later collected and analyzed (Ureigho, Oroke, & Ekruyota, 2006). It is possible to see a link between the research objective and the methodology taken as this study involved an in depth analysis of the impact of internet usage in institutions of higher learning. The most suitable approach to conduct this study was thus the case study methodology as it would lead to a lot of information about the problem in question. A focus group is an informal discussion among a group of selected individuals about a particular topic.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Macroeconomic Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Macroeconomic Environment - Essay Example ons which are differentiated by government deficit or the â€Å"difference between what the government pays out (government expenditure) and what it takes in (tax revenues).† (Weil 2002) The first state is the contractionary or tight fiscal policy wherein the government expenditure is lesser than its revenues or budget surplus. On the other hand, it is called expansionary or loose fiscal policy when government spending is larger than its revenues resulting to budget deficit. (Weil 2002) In devising a fiscal expansion policy, the government should consider certain economic indicators and factors that are affected. These are interest rate, exchange rate, trade balance, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and aggregate demand. Weil (2002) and Hemming et al. (2002) observe the possible effects of fiscal expansion on these factors which contribute for economic stability. Richard Hemming et al. (2002) see expansionary fiscal policy as beneficial in stimulating economic activity. They use the events like Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 and recessions in Europe and the United States as empirical evidences of the negative effects of contractionary fiscal policy through strong tax systems. Weil (2002) sees beneficial effect of fiscal expansion on managing the economy through the gross domestic product (GDP) or the total amount produced. Fiscal expansion results to increase in demand for goods and services which in effect raises both the output and price. However, the degree of increase on these two factors depends on the state of the economy according to Weil (2002). â€Å"If the economy is in recession, with unused productive capacity and unemployed workers, then increases in demand will lead mostly to more output without changing the price level. If the economy is at full employment, by contrast, a fiscal expansion will have more effect on prices and l ess impact on total output.† (Weil 2002) Weil (2002) states fiscal expansion raises the aggregate demand or the total demand for

Monday, October 14, 2019

International and Comparative Relations Essay Example for Free

International and Comparative Relations Essay As the number of hired workers in companies raises so are the Human Resources Managers facing more challenges as they need to maintain a competitive edge in their business both at home and abroad. Chinas entry into the World Trade Organization created fresh opportunities which resulted to some firms retreating and others expanding (Bamber, Lansbury Wailes, 2004), making the entry of foreign firms to be faced by challenges than it was in the 1970s and thus even the HR managers are in for a challenge since they have to carefully know how to tackle the culture of post-WTO China so as to have an effective HRM systems. According to Lucas (2004) it is important to understand the HRM challenges facing foreign firms in China and how to overcome them. According to information given by interviewees, who included senior managers and private equity specialists, it was discovered that the Western model of HRM may not solve the challenges. Firms had to come out with ideas on how to manage human resources in response to the changing environment in China. To know how the firms were doing this, interviews were conducted rather than survey instrument (Deery Mitchell, 1999). After the interviews it was noted that the strategies of the HR in China differed from those of the West. For instance one of the HR process in China is selection of people they want to work in their companies. Some private successful firms wanted young people who are from school others selected people who do not drink or smoke. While firms really wanted to remove redundant employees in their companies, some of the managers that were interviewed said that there was benefit â€Å"organized† over-staffing. Again in the issue of employee contribution; to encourage employee contribution there had to be change of mentality like their association of mistakes with penalties. It was noted that many employees in the foreign firms were afraid to do anything outside their job description thus the HRM policies were encouraged to aim at helping these employees. There was also the issue of training programs in which they should also teach about what is wrong and its solution.  Ã‚   One way of helping these employees according to (Verma, Kochan Lansbury, 1995) was to train them well in their jobs so as to extend even beyond their job description. This however has to be encouraged through creation of friendly environment involvement in risk taking. There is also another problem of lack of ground rules that are well-established which results to interference with the operations. Some individuals have the power to stop some industries from operating. The foreign firms thus need to know the relevant person in that location. The HR has the role to select well-connected people in management team (Morgenstern, 1984). Even in some companies they need the individuals they want to hire for their jobs to have connections with government bodies or powerful individuals so as they can link them in case of a problem. The HR also plays the role of â€Å"change agent† (Blanpain, Lansbury Park, 2002) where they help firms implement new programs, improve processes and transform positively the organizations culture. Employment relationship is vital as the employers need to have good relationship with their existing employees as well as their new ones so as to avoid problems at the place of works hence increasing workplace productivity. This however can be complex as sometimes the employees can find the rules set by the employers quite challenging. As human the way we choose to control our goal maybe different from what the organization wants. The organization needs people who can interact with others to be productive to the company. The employment relation constitutes of three sides that is the employers, employees and the law. In addition there are employment rights.   In different countries and cities we have different way of treating employees and companies also have got different policies. Employment relationships are faced by challenges such as competitive pressures, technological change as this may result to either the employer seeking new employees who have got the most updated technological skills or requiring the old employees to update their skill by going back to class of which other will not welcome the idea, changing of owns behaviors; this may lead to disappointment to either party. As time goes by the employee-employer relationship changes. This according to Blanpain, Lansbury Park (2002) can be brought about by societal, organizational or individual changes. From the society point of view changes in the relationship is as a result developments in our society for example the cultural norms influence and the values that are related to exchanges. The organization together with the employee composes the second and third sources of changes in employment relationship. The organization and the employer both are part of the society and are both influenced by the same structural factors and dynamic change processes. However they still have some differences as the desires of the organization and those of the employee may not necessarily converge. For instance the organization may require organizational flexibility to cope with the competitiveness. Similarly the employee desire and expectations of the organization may change for example an employee with a family probably with small children will want the employers flexibility to provide good balance between his job and his private life as an important issue. There seems as if the traditional labor laws are less effective in determining the employment relationships in many countries (Dickens Neal, 2006). The pressure for flexibility in firms has led to changes in the employment relations. These changes have been linked to societal factors. In 1999-2000, twenty-seven Dutch Organization (Bach, 1999) a questionnaire was distributed to groups of employees. The data that was gathered from a sample that represented the working population showed that the younger and older employee was underrepresented and there was over representation of people between 25 and 44 years. This is a contradiction to the Chinese authority who wanted younger people. The questionnaires also assessed individual characters, employee obligations toward the company and employer obligation toward the employee. It was noted that most employees aired out their opinions on several issues affecting them and they were thinking beyond their jobs. This is unlike in China where due to fear of intimidation employees were afraid to air out their opinions. A comparative study of employment systems in the US and Japan was achieved by use of game-theoretic framework (Rapra Technology Limited, 2005) here the employment system was seen as an equilibrium outcome of interactions among management, labor, and government. In both countries, the relations evolved from ones associated with short-term contracts and company-wide employee representation. While Japan continued in the same path, the U.S experienced a breakdown of implicit contract during the Great Depression (Mortimer Leece, 1994). It is important to study internationally comparative employment relations so as to contribute to our knowledge about the employment relations in other countries and also to provide model for the development of policy. Due to globalization, there is increased economic connectedness hence the need to learn about employment relations practices in other countries. In addition it also helps with theory construction. International comparison requires acceptance of reference point. Employment relations in Britain as accordance to Jenkins (2000) was characterized with formation of unions which marked a big growth up until the World War II when due to a rising number in unemployment the membership of the unions declined. This was also caused by part-time jobs and concentration in the private sector where unions found it hard to recruit. Unlike most other   Western European countries, Britain (Sparrow Cooper, 2003)has one main union confederation that is the Trades Union Congress(TUC) that was established in 1868.Between 1980 and 1990 private sector firms membership of employers associations fell sharply before it started to rise again slightly in the 1990s. The state plays a very important role in employment relations either directly and/or indirectly. The changing pattern of employment relation in Britain reflects some trends which may include de-industrialization, proportion increase in services and growth of a typical employment. Employment relation in United States of America can be started in 1930s (Stuart Martinez- Lucio, 2005) when the US unions first arose as a seemingly permanent force. Between 1940-1950 the unions grew tremendously and in 1960s and 1970s transformed government employment into sector with strong unions. Employers organizations in USA are relatively unimportant and unlike in other countries there have not been any employers confederations. By 1985 the depth of union membership crisis was acknowledged and new forms of employee participation appeared in some workplaces. Though in the early 1990s there was a strong economic recovery (Bender Theodossiou, 1996), there was growing polarisation in employees labor market experiences. By 2000 the pressures from globalisation increased. The non-union sector has marked a tremendous growth in spite of the labour laws being enforced. REFERENCES Almond, P Ferner, A 2006, American multinationals in Europe: managing employment    relations across national borders, Oxford University Press, Melbourne   Bach, S 1999, Public Service Employment Relations in Europe: Transformation, Modernization    Or Inertia?, Routledge Bamber, G, Lansbury, R Wailes, N 2004, International and Comparative Employment   Ã‚   Relations: Globalisation and the Developed Market Economies, 4th ed, SAGE, Boca Raton,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   FL Bender, K Theodossiou, I 1996, International Comparisons of the Real Wage-employment    Relationship, University of Aberdeen Blanpain, R, Lansbury, R Park, Y 2002, The Impact of Globalisation on Employment

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Solutions To Overcome HR Issues

Solutions To Overcome HR Issues Reliance telecommunications LTD is an Indian telecommunication company founded by Anil Ambani in 2004.The headquarters of the company is in Navi Mumbai India. Reliance telecommunication is the 15th largest telecommunication provider in the world with 150 million subscribers and the second largest telecommunication provider in India. The company has segments like wireless and broadband in telecommunication industry. The company achieved a high growth in telecommunication industry from the beginning stage itself. Customer satisfaction and good company policies made them to competitive with other companies. Reliance communications follows good human resource policies and procedures even though it has some draw backs. Vision of the company-Providing information, communication, entertainment services and being the benchmark in customer experience, employee centricity and innovation is the main vision of the company. Mission of the company-meeting beyond customer needs and wants with a segmented approach, relentless offering of services and products that are value for cash and stimulate customers, offer a network experience that is best in the communication industry, make reliance in to an international brand which is a iconic brand by others and lead industry in target to purchase and faithfulness. INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human resource management refers to an assortment of policies used to systematize work in the employment relationship and centres on the management of work and the management of people who undertakes this work. Therefore HRM is concerned with recruitment, selection, learning and development, reward, communication, teamwork and routine management. While it is relatively easy to list activities that make up HRM, It is a subject that stimulates much debate and disagreement. The hr process is considered as important for the management of the consumer pleasure with human recourses. The clients find comfortable and will be satisfied when they understand the hr processes and how they are connected and the hr processes interact. Modern hr processes are measured and frequently analysed and identifies the irregularities in the activities and it brings the improvements for the benefits of the organisation. The success of Human Resources Management is in the connection of all HR processes as they provide the adequate supports to workers and the managers. So the main aim of Human Resource Management is to keep the human capital ready for action on the market and the rational grouping of HR Processes helps to interact and manage the individual processes. Every organisation has their own HR processes, but the main HR Processes are always same in all companies as it is the market HR Best Practices. Human Resource Management is considered as a comparatively new approach to Personnel Management. HRM emphasizes primarily on its strategic contributions and its closer alignment to business, HRM is a vital component of any organization, its involvement among other components of line management is notable (Paauwe. J, Jan 2009). Paauwe further suggests that HRM aims on its ultimate goals such as High job performance, low absence and high cost effectiveness through the efficient utilization of the man power of the company. Human resource is really the major component of any organization, the success or failure of an organization heavily relies on its Man power management. Maslows need Hierarchy theory is considered as guiding principle for HR Management across the globe. Maslow identified the very basics of human motivation factors. Following this principle it can be assumed that to motivate an employee HR manager should understand his level of expectations, potential of the employee, a nd should evaluate the performance before and after certain motivational measures implemented. KEY HUMAN RESOURCE ACTIVITIES OF RELIANCE TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANPOWER PLANNING Human Resource Planning is the integral part of Human Resource Management Human Resource Planning estimates the optimal level of Man power requirement on the basis of quality and quantity. Thus HRP can be considered as the foundation of Human Resource management. Although HR planning is very important it cannot be executed faultlessly in all cases, as HR is dependent on various factors such as employment situation of the country, influence of technological advancement, changes in the organization structures, Demographic factors such as age, population, composition of workforce, lack of skill, multicultural workforce etc. Certain pressure groups will also affect the precision of the HRP. Understanding of competencies of the Human resource is vital in forming a successful HR frame work. Lengnic-Hall, 1988, Milliman et al., 1991, describes the terms Internal and External fit, Internal fit refers to the extent to which the manpower constituents are linked in a logical way and how effecti vely they support themselves, on the other hand external fit primarily focus on the strategy of the organization, external fit reveals to what extent human resources systems are integrated. Manpower Planning or Human Resource Planning includes putting exact number of people, exact kind of people at the exact place, exact time at a low cost. Personnel Planning hold an important place in the world of industrialization. Personnel Planning has to be a systematic approach and is managed in a set of model operations. The procedure is as follows: Assessing the present manpower in the company Forecasting the future needs budding employment programmes Organising training programmes BENEFITS OF MAN POWER PLANNING Manpower planning is very important part of human resource management. A few importance of man power planning are. concentrated labour cost.-with the help of manpower planning there is most favourable operation of labour force in the organisation workers are given those jobs to implement for which they are skilled (right person for the right job).it leads to overall progress of the man power in the organisation. Optimum utilisation of manpower: it helps to utilise the labour force in the company which helps in the growth of manpower in the organisation. Develops business plan-Man power planning is an important part of overall business planning. No business can survive without having the right type and number of people doing the right work at the right time. Helps in career succession planning-with the help of better manpower planning it helps to produce a good career succession of employees which provides much lead time for internal succession of workers through higher position through encouragement. Development of the organisation- The man power planning helps in the expansion of an organisation. Growth in overall business planning-Manpower planning is a main part of overall business planning. Efficient manpower planning will help to improve the business. RECRUITEMENT AND STAFFING Recruitment and staffing is the process of selecting the right labours in to the organisation. The main aim of recruitment is to look for and be a magnet for persons with skilled to fill the vacancies. This process includes job analysis preparing personnel requirement sources of skilled employees. Job analysis Job analysis is a process of analysing the job in detail and providing the details of job needs to the HR planning department they present details as job specification and job analysis. Job analysis is important in the whole organisation. And they will provide the details of manpower requirements. The main sources of recruitment are Reliance communications have two main sources of recruitment internal and external internal external sources of recruitment(figure.2) Internal sources of recruitment are. Promotion-This is a normal source of recruitment, which means providing higher position, salary and responsibilities to the employee. So the position of the job vacancy is filled by promoting the suitable employee within the organisation. Transfers-It means transferring one employee to the other organisation without change in salary and position, so the vacancy can be filled by transfer. Advertising internally-Here the job vacancy is advertised within the organisation so the existing employees in the organisation can apply for the post. So the recruitment is take place inside the organisation. External sources of recruitment are. Selective recruitment through job boards-This is a major source of recruitment .To ensure most appropriate qualified candidates are being applied for the major position. The agency considers the following details for every positions junior, intermediate, senior, Level of education degree, diploma etc. Using these details the company determines which job boards, communication channels, and advertisement strategies are suitable for attract the right skilled candidates to apply for the job positions. Management consultants-For the vacancies in the higher positions in the company, management consultants are used to find the qualified and skilled employees. They act as a recruiter on the behalf of the company. Advertisement for public-The Company advertises the vacancy in internet, newspapers, Television etc. And this will provide the details of the company, job and the qualification required for the position. NEED AND IMPORTANCE OF STAFFING Keep space with new development-New developments are happening every day. A business will have to keep phase with new changes. This will be possible only if competent persons are employed who can adjust as per the new situation. Manpower Development-man power planning will have to be done in advance. The future requirements of personnel will be estimated quite in advance. The new staff will be recruited, people will be prepared for talking up higher responsibility jobs, and all this will be possible with a well planned staffing function. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPEMENT This function helps the employees to develop their skills and knowledge for increasing their output. This process is not only done for the freshers but also to the existing employees in the firm to develop their skills and responsibilities. Human resource development helps to increase the total knowledge, abilities, skills, talents, and aptitudes of an organisations work force. Human resource development includes function such as training, career development. Training-Training is providing to improve the knowledge and skills of the employees there are mainly two types of training they are on the job training and off the job training. On the job training is a process of giving training in normal working situations using actual materials or documents, equipment, actual tools trainees will make use when completely moulded. Off the job training is usually provided away from the usual working environment, it may include more general skills and knowledge which is useful for the job. This type of training is given by the specialised trainers or from an outside company who outsource the trainers. METHODS OF TRAINING A.Programmed learning- It is a step by step process of self learning method,providing questions, facts, and problems to the learner then allowing the person to respond and providing feed back on the accuracy of the answer. B. Apprentiship training- It is a method of process that the employees will become efficient workers through grouping of classroom coaching and also through on job training. C. Audio visual based training- This method of training includes tools like power point presentation, online video conferencing, audiotapes and video tapes. D. Computer based trining- This training method is widely used to provide good training to employees, it is time consuming and easy way to provide training. It is cost effective while comparing to other training methods. E. Simulated training- In this method trainess will learn from the actual or simulated equipement they will use on the job, but actually trained off the job. F. Lectures- When their is a large number of trainees, this method is used it is the immideate way to give instruction of job related activities within a specified period of time. H. Internet and distance Training Internet training includes video conferencing and web based training, distance training means traditional training paper and pencil correspondence course. 1. Tele training where a trainer in a central location teaches groups of employees at remote locations via television hookups. 2. Videoconferencing Video conferencing will provide the opportunity to train the employees from one location and communicate live through video and audio visuals with people in different locations another country, city etc. 3. Training via the Internet the Internet based learning programs are very popular. Several companies simply let their employees to take online courses provided by online course providers while others use their intranets to facilitate computer-based training. CAREER DEVELOPEMENT Diagram demonstrating your personal development Carrer developement of employees is a crucial part of the organisation, It helps to identifies the overall acheivement of the employees .Career developement is becoming an essential part of HR departement due to todays everchanging organisaton enviornment and work place. Reliance communications helps the employees to attain a good carrer graph based on the company HR policies and procedures. First of all the company gather the strength and weakness of every individual, then they provide different opportunities to develop their carrer based on the strength and weakness. The basic formula for the career developement is self awareness every individual asses their own problems and issues and then the company will help to over come this issues .Now days people are changing their jobs to attain a good carrer success .Reliance communication identifies this problem and they had a good career sucession plan for every individual employee in the organisation. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS Compensation and benefits is a basic motivational factor to the employees.Every employee will search for high paid jobs,benefits is also another important factor if the company provides good benifits the employees will get good attachment to the company. Benefits include bonus, medical insurance,retierment policies, life insurace, vacation etc.Reliance communicatons provide basic pay which is satisfiable for every employee to motivate the employees and to attract to qualified employees to the organisation. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPEMENT Leadership developement helps the organisation to achieve the goals, through the developement of good leadership in each employee reliance aims at the overall developement of the organisation as well as the growth in employees functioning.Every employee in the organisation is gaining a better leadership quality through the leadership developement function.Each emloyees in the company are closely monitored by the management and if they are weak in the work the company will encourage them.And the workers are councelled by the management to increase work efficiency.And their will be a structured plan to create a positive working enviornment.The main aim of leadership developement is to leading self,leading others and leading the organisation. MAJOR HR ISSUES FACED BY RELIANCE COMMUNICATION ISSUES IN RELIANCE COMMUNICATIONS EMPLOYEE RETENTION POOR HR POLICIES CASH AND COMPENSATION ISSUES 1.CASH AND COMPENSATION ISSUES: Cash and compensation issues is a major problem faced by HR managers in reliance communications. There is more pressure on HR function to pay more incentives and basic pay for the employees.However reliance paying basic salary to each individual employees the company faces more pressure to meet the employee beniefits . 2.EMPLOYEE RETENTION ISSUES: Most of the companies face the same problem of employee lay-offs. So the organisation have to prevent the issue by retaining the employee by providing good working condition and benefits whichever the employees need. In reliance industries there are so many employees leave the company due to lack of co-ordination between workers. The organisation tries to check the issue but fails sometimes. 3. POOR HR POLICIES : The plocies and practices adopted by the HR managers regarding their networking sector is an important example. They brought some new plans in mobile networking sector like low call rate for mobile users, low internet browsing charge.etc., but the competitors like AIRTEL communications, BSNL network, VODAFONE facilitated some more exciting offers than the reliance. In that situation the Reliance communication hesitated to change their HR policies and techniques. From the graphical representation of reliances communications profit from 2007 to 2012, we can easily determine that the profit is coming down in last two years comparing to the past this is due to the poor HR issues as mentioned above.The company is earning a high growth in 2008 and 2009 which is around 55000 million and it is dramatically falling down in the upcoming years.That means the company is facing some major HR issues and also high competition from other companies, so the organisation must change their HR policies eventually. SUGGESTIONS TO OVERCOME THE HR ISSUES Nowdays telecommunication industry is facing high competition from other telecommunication companies, If the company has no good HR stratergies the company cannot exist in the high competative world.Reliance communication is facing some HR issues as mentioned above, to overcome this problems company must do some good HR restructuring process in the company .The first main issue is ; Cash and compensation issues- As it is a major problem the company must find a good solution to overcome this issue, the suggestion to solve this problem is to pay cash and compensation based on the experience of the employees.As mentioned above the company is paying a basic salary to each individual, first of all the company must change this basic payment method,and the compensation and benifits must be paid according to the experience and skills of each individual. So the company can reduce the cost of labour so the company can meet the compensation and benifits of each individual according to the profit earned by the company. Employee retention issues-Retention of employees is another HR issue faced by the company, nowadays a lot of employees are leaving the company due to high pressure of work and lack of co-ordination between employees are the main employee retention issues faced by reliance communication, to reduce this problems reliance must provide good working enviornment to reduce the pressure of work, communication is another way to over come this problem good communication between the management and staff will make a good understanding between the employees and management, this will increase employees confidents and reduce the work pressure.A high rate of employees resigning their job and going to another companies who offer better working enviornment. Better co-ordination is the another way to improve employee retention,co-ordination will improve better relationship between employees and management.And this will result increase employees confidence and work efficiency. Poor HR policies-Due to high competition in communication industry lots of companies introducing new HR techniques to improve their company goodwill .Reliance communication is following the traditional HR policies and plans so the company is facing high market competition from other companies, to exists in the competative market company must improve their HR stratergies and policies.Nowadays companies are providing good offers to the employees so the company must realise the problems and try to overcome such issues.